pain in seismoid bone

I have been having pain in the seismoid bone of my foot for about 8 weeks. This pain will sometimes spread to the whole foot, even to the ankle. I had an x-ray that indicated no fracture. I do not know if I should see a podiarist or orthopedic doctor. If podiatrist, how would this differ from an orthopedic doctor?

1 Comment found

    Vivian Abrams DPM

    9 10

    Neuralgia means nerve pain and as such is too broad a term to be really useful here. Unfortunately, you have not given a great deal of information where I feel I could be that helpful. There could be several reasons for your complaint. I always recommend you see a doctor. You might call around and ask what the cash fee for a visit is. If you live in a city where there is a Podiaric Medical School there might be a clinic you could go to.


    9 10

    I have had problems with this foot for 4 years. If I step wrong, or it gets too hot, as when I’m driving, or I wear the wrong shoe, I feel shooting pains throughout my toes.However, this is pretty irrelevant. I just wondered what in heck I can do with the stupid foot so that it won’t wake me up at 3 a.m., 4 a.m., 5 a.m., and so on. If I could sleep with it, I could live with the problem for years. While it is theoretically a good idea to see a doctor, I will be unable to afford to see a doctor for the foreseeable future.


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