Sprained Ankle – Or worse?

So i was playing soccer Friday night(It is now Sunday night). I was making a quick turn with the ball and rolled my ankle and foot. Immidiately when it happened, there were 2-3 pops, with the first being the loudest.

As i laid on the ground, the top of my foot and the front/outside part of my ankle hurt. After about 3-5 minutes, i got up and was able to put minimal pressure on it. So I went home and just iced it every 15-25 minutes on and off.

Well, Saturday morning, the outside of the ankle had swollen up to the point where you could not see the ankle bone. I went and had x-rays done on it, and the doctor at the hospital said he saw no signs of a break in the ankle or foot and it was most likely a sprain. I was sent home in an aircast, and directed to ice the areas in pain for about 48 hours and not to put any weight on it.

And today, it has gotten what seems 1% better. I can put a little bit more weight on it, but the swelling on the outside of the ankle has not gone down at all and there is still pain on the top of the foot.

Any insight on this? I have a feeling there may some structural damage in my ankle that the xrays did not pick up.

From looking at the virtual therapist, i think i have narrowed it down a bit to a sprained ankle, footballers ankle, or Dislocation of Peroneal Tendons.

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    It sounds like you have a high grade lateral ankle sprain. I would suggest that you consult with an orthopedic surgeon just to make sure that there is nothing else going on. Make sure to practice the RICE principal, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Besides the aircast, you should have a compression wrap on the ankle to help control the swelling, I would also suggest the use of a horseshoe pad on both sides of the ankle. This will help force some of the swelling out. I would stay NWB until you can see a doctor again for a better evaluation. Once it has been determined that there isn’t serious structural damage, I would suggest going to a physical therapist. They will be able to help you regain a normal gait, strengthen your ankle, and help you safely return to soccer.


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