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Knee injury

I am a fairweather runner. When I do run, I get a sharp and constant pain in my right knee, to the right side and back of my knee. I only feel the pain when I run. Any ideas?

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Golfers elbow

I have suffered with accute pain on the inside of my elbow for more than two years.
I have had the following treatment.
Cortazone injection x 2 ,ultra sound. acupuncture,physio therapy,Voltarol diclafenic tablets for two years.The only thing that has helped is the Cortazone injection but only lasted for about 2 months. The Voltarol tablets also help but I cannot stay on these for ever.
I just wish that someone somewere could help me has now I cannot do any sport without getting severe pain.
Please help.

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13 year old daughter

I tried posting yesterday but don’t know if it went through. Anyhow, my 13 year old daughter injured her knee in an accident in gym – a boy fell on top of her while running for a ball. She initially had pain in knee and was limping a bit. A week later it looked like her knee moved inward and out of place. Pain didn’t stop so I took her to an orthopedic – xrays were normal and he told me that her knee always looked like this and I just didn’t notice it! That upset me a lot as her knee “never looked like this”. I took her for a second opinion and asked them to do an mri – which was done but they said contrast was not necessaary and wouldn’t prescribe it – mri was normal also. They are sending her for physical therapy. She is still in pain. Using a cane (the poor thing) for support. Her health insurance doesn’t cover too many counties where we live. Can anyone tell me what they think about the knee looking so abnormal and why the negative results. She cries when having to walk stairs into church, etc. please help! Thank you so much.

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This is my first post so im sorry if this appears in a weird place like on someone else thread but couldn’t find the new thread button.

I have recently aquired a pain in my leg that normally comes on after activity such as skating or kite landboarding. It all happended when I was kite landboarding on the beach and after I finished (without any nocks or falls) I notice that I had a pain in my left leg on the outside just below the knee. This resulted in me not being able to walk that night. Any rotation from side to side (not up and down) caused bad pain in the same place. This gradually faded away until I went on holiday and was involved in a lot of walking. After walking around for a bit the pain started to come on gradually and get worse and worse until I had to stop. One day a massive bruse appeared across the front of my shin. I still have the pains (not as much, but they are there)..What do I have? Please help.

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Quad, ITB and Lower Back Stiffness


I’ve been stuck with an injury now for TWO Years and have tried everything and about five physios to fix it.

When running two years ago my right leg and lower back became completely stiff. Since then I haven’t been able to walk (let alone run!!) or stand for longer than ten to fifteen minutes without a very stiff quad, ITB, lower back, and hip abductors.

I have had scans and both they and my symptoms seem to rule out sciatica.
It seems I have extremely weak right glutes (both medius and max) which are constantly overpowered by my Quads and ITB (the result of a leg break ten years previous, and I have orthotics to treat leg length diffrence etc). I have tried all the usual exercises but whenever I try and do them (eg clams, Single leg push up in a prone position) my qauds take over and I can’t seem to get any strength imporvement from my glutes.

HELP! Does anyone know how I can calm down the overactive quads/hip adductors or any tips on technique for targeting the glutes??

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Mystery groin pain

I was wondering if anyone has any idea about what my pain could be.

Basically its a pain that occurs an inch or two above my pubic bone and an inch to the left. It only ever occurs when I run (on grass or road) and never never at any other time. Sometimes it ‘comes on’ after 2 mins of running, sometimes if I’m lucky it doesn’t occur at all. There seems no reason why it should occur one day and not the next. It is localised and is sore if i give the area a good prod. The pain stops as soon as i stop running. If I’ve prodded it a bit it may be a little tender/sore the next day, but normally there is no pain there at all.

A physio has assessed my flexors and they are ok and a surgeon has ruled out a hernia. The surgeon won’t give me a scan due to the location as I’m of child bearing age and he suggests I visit a sports physio.

I rested for a year then I tried pilates to strengthen my stomach muscles, but the pain is still there when i run.

any ideas before I splash out on a sport physio!


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Bad landings

I have been doing le parkour for just over a year now (if you havn’t heard of it do a quick search in google). And i’ve had a few problems with my shin recently. I filmed myself landing some jumps, and i seem to be landing on my right leg slightly before my left.I think this is probably what’s causing my shin to hurt.
I’ve tried to stop this but it seems to be too natural. Do you have any tips to help this or my shin?
Thanks a lot

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Knee Damage / Injury

I have been running for a year and cover on average 20 – 30 km a week. I have recently hurt my knee and during my first visit to a physio yesterday was told it was posterior cruciate related and a tendon was being squished (??) hence the pain and swelling. He said I should be alright to run in 48 hours and “loosened” up the knee which he said was very stiff. He checked my leg length and pelvis and all was fine. However, 24 hours later my leg still hurts and feels quite odd, as if the circulation is cutting off somewhere. Has anyone else had experience with this kind of injury? Could it have been caused by the fact that I am 6 kilos above my weight range? I don’t play any contact sports.
thank you in advance for any advice you can offer

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Hurt shoulders

i need some info. I first hurt my shoulder in 2001, had some x-ray and the doctor said nothing was wrong.When I would use it alot it would be sore, it got so bad that I couldnt sleep on it at night, in july 2004 I hurt both of them while at work. My question is could it had been a old injury that really started in 2001, I have a tear on it but the company is fighting me because i broke my shoulder in aug while off of work. My doctor said it has nothing to do with my ratator cuff but they dont believe him. I think the ratator cuff started in 2001 and finally tore.. help me out…

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Knee Problem

Hi, I have recently completed a half-marathon, and now have some “pain” in my knee. Its not pain as such, just like a dull ache whenever I walk, or run. Its at the fron of the knee, right on the kneecap. It also sometime clicks or grinds whenever I move it. I am supposed to be running the London Marathon in 3 weeks and need some advice!!! Thanks in advance.

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