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Nerve Damage

I wrote several weeks back regarding a foot injury I incured about 8 weeks ago slipping the wrong way on a staircase.
I have been in an aircast for 5 weeks and recently finally had my podiatrist order an MRI. The results came back today showing no visible damage. Its in the Planter facistis(sp) area of my foot where the pain lies.
The aircast has definitly helped and I am glad to see there is no major damage per the MRI.My Podiatrist said that the burning stingling sensation that I am feeling alot of is more than likely due to nerve damage.
He gave me exercises to do and said take the boot off and start walking again and kind of blew off the nerve damage other than saying it could take yrs to totally heal.
I guess my question to you is, is there anything I can do to heal the nerve other than just live with it?…
I am very active and have always exercised regularly so this is really bothering me to think I may never be totally able to run normally for a long time to come.
He has not mentioned a neurologist or phyical therapy of any kind other than the 2 exercises he gave me to do on my own. Any guidence you could give me would be much appreciated.

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bruised rib

(5 discussions)

i am 29 years old and have been playing soccer for the last 4 years. I am an aggressive player but have never really had any injuries. last week I had a couple falls in a game but just kept playing, just like any other time. no injuries. well this last week my back has been bothering me in this one spot. it is sometimes a constant pain. I thought maybe it was from one day last week at work because I sat in a chair all day long. now I am thinking an injury from soccer. but why wouldn’t I get it when I got pushed or fell at a game? I got it checked out by a doctor and he was feeling my back and the only are it hurt was on the back of a rib bone?! it isn’t cracked, just maybe a bruise? is this really what it is? what can I do to take the pain away? it hurts when I drink with a straw, burp or sometimes other things. how long would it take to heal and what else could it be? any reason to worry? should I still be playing or should I take time off from soccer?

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Broken ankle w/liz frank fracture

On Jan. 24, 2014 I fell on some ice and broke my ankle and foot. I have been diagnosed with a liz frank fracture. What kind of fracture is this? Also I broke my ankle on both sides on my right ankle. I have 2 screws in the inside of the ankle and a plate and 6-8 screws in the outside of the ankle. I also fractured the bone going to the 2nd toe. (that is the toe next to the big toe) I have a screw going threw the big toe and into the 2nd toe. My real question is how long of a time should I expect to be out of work, and how long of a recovery? Are there any symptoms I should be looking for?

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Activator Method

I went to a new chiropractor for shoulder pain.
She told me I have 5 popped ribs in that area.
The method she used is the Activator Method, which is different than I have had in the past.
What is your opinion of this method?
I have gone 4 times with no relief yet, but I understand this can take awhile to get under control. Last time she also did some acupuncture.
I have an open mind about techniques, but how long should I give these new(to me) techniques? Thank you.

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Bandy Legs

I am doing an assignment on posture and corrective exercises. Could you recomend an exercise for bandy legs.

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(3 discussions)

Have had three months of pain and swelling from elbow. Does this ever go away and am wondering why my hand would swell too.

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beginnings of ostioporosis

(5 discussions)

I am starting to get a curved spine-I am 54 years old- I take calcium every day about 1050 milligrams-I am very consious of this-What is a good back excercise to strenghthen upper back muscles-so hopefully I can make appearance and posture look better-???

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Sevre ankle injury

(2 discussions)

Im 14 years old.About 2 years ago I was playing basketball and took a big fall. I continued the rest of the game as my ankle pain shot through my whole leg. About a day later I went to a walk-in clinic where the x-rays showed nothing more than an enourmous amount of swelling. The doctor puzzled casted my ankle up for 2 weeks hoping to see improvments. 2 weeks were up and I was seeing the top orthopedic specialist in the area where he diagnosed it as “nothing more than a bad sprain”. Another year went by and the pain began to get worst and the color changing and swelling enourmous amounts. I was then taken 2 years after the injury back to see another specialist where he was also puzzeld with the whole situation and sent me for x-rays where once again nothing showed. I then went for a bone scan 2 months later and nothing showed. Doctor again puzzled sent me for an MRI where it showed, a break to the talus, a stress fracure in the foot, chips of bone floating around and a hematoma. Being the athlete I am I was devistated after being told 6 weeks in a cast. After the 6 weeks were up the cast came off and my foot was totally messed up. The heel of my foot was sticking out, and I had constant pain on the inner side of my ankle where I had never hurt before. So now I have bones sticking out of my foot and heel, and pain constantly, the more I walk on it the less it hurts until I sit down to relax where it swells up and turs colors in short periods of time. I am going back to see my doctor in a couple of weeks but after going 2 years with it broken im not too sure about his diagnosis, can anyone help me please!! If you have any ideas what so ever at what could be going on please help me, I play for the areas basketball team, the regional basketball team, and the provincial basketball team please I would like to make national team this year but it will be pretty hard if im in another cast!! I will take any advice you have I just want to get back on the courts, please and thank you!

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invisilbe sweeling on soles of feet

(2 discussions)

Suddenly last night when I walked it felt like there was a swollen area on my right foot below the third and fourth toes that hurt when I put pressure on it. it was gone this morning but this afternoon I have the same thing on my left foot at the inner arch immediately above the heel. It feels exactly like a lump but when I look nothing is there. It hurts unbearable to walk and was not there at all even one hour ago. The skin and general apprearance of both feet look normal. The only other thing is that occasionally they start itching unbearably for a few minutes. Again nothing is visible to the eye. What could this be? I hesitate to go to the doctor since it may well disappear by the time I get to his office.

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Pain on left leg plus varicoses

Dear Dr.Bunting:I’m a 35 years old female, not overweigth. I walk almost every day (1-2 miles) as an only workout. I remain sit al day because of my work. I have been experincing pain and numbness in my left leg… It even wakes me up some times!There are some days that I can’t walk very well…neither being standing up to long… Also, I have varicoses veins in both legs. I already had had the saline inyections and the pulling off treatment done in both legs, but the varicoses are still there!Question: It is posible that the pain and numbness are related to the lack of blood circulation? Or, maybe something else? I even can’t say if the pain is muscular or on the bone…my leg feels to haevy at times! I will appreciate ANY imput. Thanks

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