What’s the best part of being a pt?

So at school we’re researching a career we are interested in and I was just wondering what the best part of being a PT is?

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    May PT

    9 10

    This is gonna sound korny…but the best part is seeing folks walk again! Just getting people better with the skills I have. That’s why I became a PT in the first place. I love what I do! I am a director in what’s called a long term acute care hospital, though I have also worked in a rehab hospital and was a director of an outpatient clinic too. The place I work at now we get VERY sick folks…pretty much on their last leg, so to speak. It’s a very difficult job physicaly and emotionaly! But I see miracles happen every day and I feel that it’s partly from the agressive PT I give these folks. Hope this helps.


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