Physical Therapy Questions Archives | Page 299 of 315 | Orthoped

being a physical therapist

HEy im a senior in high school and I know I wanna be a physical therapist, I wanna know what requirements it takes to enter the program. Also I wanna know if I can star learning to get a head start, if you can help me out, give some pointers, or even give some info on leaning to be a physical therapist

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Broken Knuckle

(2 discussions)

I hit a door and now there’s a separation in the center of my ring finger knuckle that’s not on the other hand. Do you think it’s broken and if so what do I do?

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Questions for a school report

(2 discussions)

What makes a man more aggressive than a woman in sports?

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Ankle pain from running

Hi, I am a 27 year old male who was very active athletically up until around age 19. For the past 8 years I have not kept up on my routine of exercise and working out that I did when I was younger.
I am not overweight (6’3″ 185 lbs.), but I am also not what I consider to be in shape. Recently, I decided to get back into shape, and consequently began running.
I ran about 2 miles everyday for a week, then suddenly began experiencing a significant pain in my left ankle.
The pain is on the outside of the ankle, under the ankle joint itself but in front of the achillies tendon.
There is no swelling or discoloration, but the pain is so bad that I cannot walk forward without limping.
Ironically, I can move the ankle in most any direction without pain as well as stand on it without any pain.
I have been experiencing this problem for almost two weeks now and I am becoming a bit concerned that I may have caused severe damage to my ankle. Do you have any ideas on what might be causing this pain and what I can do to help eliminate it?
I have been icing the ankle in the evenings, but this does not seem to have helped at all.
I would really appreciate your attention to this matter. Thank you very much,Brian Horner

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Elbo Pain

(2 discussions)

After lifting weights a couple weeks back, I have pain in my left elbo.
Specifically, the pain is directly on the interior bone and slightly more toward the forearm vice the bicep.
The elbo hurts not only during excercise but, to the touch and when sleeping. Do you have any suggestions to what this could be, and how to treat it? Thank you.

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13yr old daughter broke leg

our 13 yr old daughter broke her leg about an inch below her left knee. She was put in a cast at the hospital and given a follow appt with an orthopedic surgeon for 2 weeks later.We went to that appt and he took the cast off even though the bone was not healed but chose not to recast it saying something about the muscle he was not to clear.Is this normal and why would he make this decision? She is still not allowed to bear weight on it and will still be on crutches for 6 weeks. She has been told to move the leg very little. What is this and why would this affect having her leg recast. I worry about her at school that it will get bumped or twisted.

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Fx Distal fibula

How long would it take to recover from an Acute distal fx fibula? I rec’d mine on 7-16-04. I’ve been instructed to use no-weight bearing for 7 days than advance as tolerate follow up in 2 weeks with another xray to see what it looks like at that time. I have to a leg brace/immbolizer for approx 6weeks. Curious? I have never had a broken bone before and I’m 38 yrs old.

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numb foot from fractured fibula

after I fractured my fibula I had to have surgery. I now have a plate and screws in my leg. why is the top part of my foot numb or donot have feeling in certain parts of the foot?

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Partial tendon tear in hip

My daughter had an MRI that shows a partial tear in the hip flexor area.
The tear was at the bone but it didn’t cause a fracture, just partially pulled away from the bone.
The Dr. recomended 4-6 weeks rest and to start rehab immediately.
The injury occured one month before the MRI was taken, as they first thought it was a muscle problem.
He seems to think scar tissue will form and will reattach.
It seems like some people suggest starting rehab right away and some say to rest first and then start the rehab process. She injured it in basketball and plays soccer which starts in two weeks. Any information would be appreciated.

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quick request for help

i am doing a research paper in my careers class and I need help finishing it off I have a few sections left and I need help with them one section is education after high school another is how do you advance in your career another is salry and wages another is job outlook another is the conclusion and then there is the biblography. So if you can help me e-mail me back soon with whatever help or advice on this paper you can give me.

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