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archilles tendon

I’m from Texas, I’m in China.
I was running and seem to have hurt my archilles tendon, the pain goes from my heel up my leg.
Good doctors here are hard to find – how should I care for this?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Thank you!

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Plantars Wart

My plantars wart has been eliminated with Clear Away, but how do I get rid of the blister on my foot?

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Bipartate metatarsals

My 4 year old experiences a lot of pain in his foot. Her has been seen by a rheumatologist but we have found nothing. He recently had an xray that shows his 2nd and 4th metatarsals are bipartate.
what exactly does this mean? Is this why he experiences so much pain?

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They hurt so bad, but I have to walk and stand at work…

I’m in pain and I’m only 23. I’ve tried different shoes and insoles, but nothing has worked. I work at a fast food place as cashier and I’m standing on my feet all the time there. I go home and I can’t sit for long, my 3 year old needs mommy to play. I have high arches in my feet, my feet turn outward when I stand or walk, I have lots of lower back pain that seems to start at my feet, and I’ve spained the right ankle 4 times and the left 1 time.
I’m 5’2 and heavy…would my weight affect my feet?Please, if anyone can help, I’m in pain.

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Foot and Ankle Cramps

Lately I’ve been getting more and more cramps in my feet and ankles during the night while I’m asleep. They get so bad they wake me up and sometimes they take a while to go away. The cramps are either in my toes or arch (outer or inner – I don’t have flat feet)OR in my ankles (the outer ankle where those tiny bones go up the outer part of your leg. The pain is so great I feel like those tiny bones are actually twisting and locking up. Sometimes it gets so tight I can’t even straighten out my ankle or foot and when it finally does go away the spot that tightened up is so sore in the morning. Help, I’m so sick of losing sleep because of a cramp.

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Small lumps on achilles tendon

I have a small lump on my achilles tendon. It is painfull to touch and is causing me to limp sometimes.
What is it? and what is the treatment?

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swollen right ankle

What can be the cause of a swollen right ankle? I know that I am not diabetic but I do have iron defiency anemia. my heart has been checked out and everything is ok no high blood pressure. what can I do to eleviate this problem? thank you

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I have notice that when I am out walking or if I am exercising, the bottom of my feet and my ankles hurt me so bad. Then the pain goes up to my leg. I have to sit down because it hurts so bad. Is there anything that I should try before I go to the doctor about it?

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Burning pain on top outside of right foot and right hand


I’m a 45 year old healthy male. I exercise regularly. About 4 months ago I started feeling a burning pain on the top outer side of my right foot. The pain starts at about the mid point of my foot (lengthwise) and extends down to just before my little toe. There is no pain in any of my toes. I went to a foot specialist and after having some xrays taken he said it might be a little bit of arthritis. There is no swelling of my foot at all, just this burning pain that seems to be at its worst when I get up out of bed first thing in the morning.
I have the exact same type of burning pain in my right hand…specifically the knuckle of my index finger. If I accidently bump that knuckle on something the pain is really intense. I haven’t done anything to injure it that I can remember in the past.
My main question is, could these burning pains in some way be related?
If so what could it be?

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Will my toe nail grow back?

(2 discussions)

I stumped my middle toe on a brick about a month ago and it hurt for the longest time it got all swallon and stuff but now all thats gone and my nail is starting to fall off. Its still connected on one corner to my skin but the other side isn’t. So what should I do should I leave it alone or should I cut the lose part off, will it grow back? Help please!!!

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