Yogini inner knee pain.

(3 discussions)

I am student of yoga and karate and have been for a number of years. A month ago, a few days after a particularly dynamic yoga class, the inner corner of my right knee – what I believe is the medial collateral ligament – produced a sharp pull and pain when I attempted any pose which required my leg to be bent to the side; no problems with bending my heel to my buttocks, though – painful if heel brought in close to the groin and then the knee asked to go down – that hurts.

It’s 6 weeks – and though, I haven’t done restorative work to let it get better – I have mostly avoided activities/poses that aggravate the area. There’s no swelling really either (anymore – there was a tiny bit at the inner corner when it occurred).

Anyone any ideas? I just got laid off and have no more insurance – so I’m hoping that staying away from what aggravates it will help. I’d be happy if someone has had a similar injury and can share how long it took to go away!

Thank you and Namaste.

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    9 10

    Mmm at 6 weeks alot of the healing and initial pain has gone, but I was quoted about 2 years before it’s 100% !!!

    I injured mine over 2 years ago now, and although it doesn’t really bother me, I still know it’s there!!!

    I know what you mean about breast stroke, even now (2 years later) if I swim breastroke fast, it aggrivates it slightly.
    Unfortunatly for me it’s all I can do. Not only am I a very poor swimmer so it’s the only stroke I can do, but I have a much more serious problem with my shoulder which means breaststroke is all I can do if I swim!!

    Oh, and very good advise about being careful with regard to looking after injuries. You only have one body and it needs looking after. If only I realised that when I was your age(13) and I might be in alot better health now. When you are young you never think anything will stop you!!


    P.S. I used to have a cat called Pixie She was lovley!!


    9 10

    i had a recurring mcl injury and went back to training after about 6 weeks but about 2 races later i did the same thing coming off the bend in the 200 metres and had to be strechered off the track.

    The extent of the damage was quite large so i was in plaster for 2 months after an MRI and in 1 months time will be having an arthroscapy. i’m not saying this will happen to you but be aware definatly lots of rest at this stage. i am only 13 and this could have seriously damaged my career so just be carefull

    if it a strain or partial rupture you may be given a knee brace for support whilst training.

    a danger of mcl injurys is that one of your quads wastes away quite dramatically. which poses more problams. physios can help sort that out and can pescribe you to a gym.

    One more tip. ant swimming avoid breaststroke at all costs!

    Good Luck


    9 10

    I damaged my medial collateral ligament just over two years ago doing Ju jitsu.
    I landed funny and my leg was bent severely sideways.

    It wasn’t the corner of my knee that hurt it felt like it was right in the joint. I thought it was cartilage!!!! but I know that that ligament is quite large, so I suppose it depends where you have hurt it!!

    I did have physio, which helped alot, as she was able to do cross friction which breaks up the scar tissue. It’s the scar tissue that causes the problems.

    If it is that ligament you have hurt, it doesn’t sound as if it is any way near as bad as mine. Mine was badly bent sideways. During the 1st night my knee kept locking, it felt like there little bits of gravel in the joint mixed with super glue which set everytime I kept it still too long!! I kept waking and having to keep it moving (which was painfull). Then the next day I couldn’t move it, and had to hobble along painfully on it.

    I had 5 weeks off training, but as soon as it was moving normal I was able to continue training as long as I avoided any sideways movment.
    The exercise helped it alot. Better than complete rest would have.
    So yes you can continue doing things as long as it doesn’t hurt it.
    It sounds to me, as though you are alreday where I was at 5 weeks!!!!

    It took about 6 months before it was near normal, (but like I said, I think mine was alot worse!!!!) and I was told up to 2 years before it would be 100% which was about right. But it didn’t stop me doing anything after about 6 months!!!

    Unfortunatly ligaments take a while, but they do heal!!!

    But keep an eye on it, if it doesn’t improve, best to get a pro to check it out. If you misdiagnose yourself you could be doing yourself major damage!!!!
    Money’s nothing compared to your health for the rest of your life!

    Good luck, and I hope this lot helps. If you want to ask any more questions feel free to mail me.



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