Stress Fracture? Pain in Lower Leg, Near Ankle

(4 discussions)

I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of pain, only when walking, in my lower leg. It’s above the ankle, towards the outer side of the leg. It doesn’t hurt to move the leg, or the ankle. It’s tender to the touch, but my only pain is when walking. At times, it’s almost impossible to bear any weight on the leg because of the pain. It comes and goes, usually only staying a day or two. This recent occurrance has stayed for almost two weeks. I’ve iced like usual and now have tried heat to see if that does anything. So far, nothing has stopped it from flaring up and with pain. I’ve been undergoing therapy for the last 10 months for two knee surgeries. This past few months or so I’ve increased my daily routines. I went through student teaching and I’m now going Holiday shopping sprees with family that require lots of walking. I’m hoping that the increase of activity hasn’t created a stress fracture in that area. I went from hardly walking and doing anything while recovering and therapy, to walking a mile to two a day, which is a big jump for me since my surgeries. Has anyone had a stress fracture or any advice as to what it might be? Any advice would be so much appreciated. Thanks

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    9 10

    Bone scan will definetly tell u if it is stress fracture or not. If u feel the pain is on the bone then good chances it is stress fracture.
    I have had stress fracture for the last 7 months now. I went to doctor for it about 4 5 months ago. See,, first I had it on my left one. I played soccer. I ignored it, it got worse and worse, I kept ignoring it and started to put more pressure on my right one. After a while my right one got painful too. So do not ignore and go to doctor.
    The worst case senario is that if u put oo much pressure on it, it’ll break or ur other shin will be fractured too. trust me, U dont want that to happen. The way u said it’s not so bad.
    so before it gets any worse just take care of it.
    If it is stress fracture, then the best cure for it is to immoboize it. If it is not that bad it’ll just take a few weeks to heal.
    So make sure u’ll se the doctor
    and good luck


    9 10

    I am right now experiencing the same thing as you are. My leg pain is caused by either running or walking. I was told mine was shin splints, which is possibly the same thing as stress fractures. If you continue to have leg pain, go see a podiatrist or your family doctor. He/she might suggest a bone scan. That is what my family doctor is doing for me. I have a bone scan scheduled for December 30.


    9 10

    I have a stress fracture right now on my fourth toe, Right foot. Make sure you see the podiatrist and get an X-ray. With me, my parents thought I was fine but I’m not. I’m in a surgical shoe, which I recament for stress Fractures on the foot. Also you could go in a wheelchair if a stress fracture is the case. I got the same pains, and so it is probaly a stress fracture. I’m in the 12 and under age group(i know alot…My father’s a podiatrist) and it is VERY strange for someone this yeong to have one because it takes alot more than a broken arm does. But it isn’t as painful. just rest it as long as you can and try not to walk unless you really need to. Stress fractures normally take six to eight weeks to heal. I’m different because mine had been hurting for months so its already done about 1/4 of the healing, so i have to be in a surgical shoe for four to six weeks. By the way, I just got my surgical shoe and X-ray yesterday.


    9 10

    I have a stress fracture right now on my fourth toe, Right foot. Make sure you see the podiatrist and get an X-ray. With me, my parents thought I was fine but I’m not. I’m in a surgical shoe, which I recament for stress Fractures on the foot. Also you could go in a wheelchair if a stress fracture is the case. I got the same pains, and so it is probaly a stress fracture. I’m in the 12 and under age group(i know alot…My father’s a podiatrist) and it is VERY strange for someone this yeong to have one because it takes alot more than a broken arm does. But it isn’t as painful. just rest it as long as you can and try not to walk unless you really need to. Stress fractures normally take six to eight weeks to heal. I’m different because mine had been hurting for months so its already done about 1/4 of the healing, so i have to be in a surgical shoe for four to six weeks. By the way, I just got my surgical shoe and X-ray yesterday.


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