Injury above my ankle

I recently noticed that I have a rather large bruise (size of a tennis ball) over the area of my achilles tendon approximately 3-4 inches above the heel (almost at the base of my calf). I also have a small knot about the size of a pea that is directly on top of (what I believe) is my acchilles tendon. This injured area is just slightly on the inside portion of the back of my right leg. I have no pain with activity. I do have some minor pain with touch but it is very minor. I run about 25-30 miles per week and I have not done anything out of the ordinary in my training program. I have been running for about 12 years now. I have been icing the injury site for a couple of days but it is still too early to tell if the injury site is improving. Has anyone else had similar symptoms like these? Does anyone have any idea what this might be?

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