Sciatic Nerve/Spinal Problem?

I have lower back pain that seems to go actually to the front of my right thigh down to my knee.
If I walk enough, it goes all the way down to my ankle with a kind of numbness.
The pain can be very sharp at times also. In the morning when I get out of bed, I hurt pretty much until I have a bowel movement. After that, the pain is reduced.
It is particularly noticeable when I walk a couple of blocks or more.
It can get really bad. Bad enough that I have to stop walking and relax a bit. Preferrably sitting.
Standing and trying to find a comfortable position seems very elusive. Laying down is also uncomfortable most of the time, but not always.
It feels like a nerve problem.
It doesn’t feel like muscles or bones.Can you tell me what you think? Thank you.BillPhoenix, Az.

1 Comment found

    May PT

    9 10

    Do you carry a wallet in your back pocket? Does it hurt when you cough? Do you do a lot of lifting at your job or during the day? How do you lift things? Does the pain go away if you lie on your stomach propped up on your elbows?


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